Rusty for Oconomowoc
VOTE April 1
Oconomowoc Community Center

Your Voice - Your Vote MATTERS!
Rusty McConnell
Alderman District 2
Where I Stand
Oconomowoc is changing quickly and needs the right leadership to ensure a bright future for our community. I am a local voice that strongly believes our leaders need to be the voice of the people who elect them to office.

Responsible Growth
Growth is not a bad thing - but we MUST make sure that growth in Oconomowoc reflects the values of the people living here. I will ensure the future of our city services, values, and finances are considered when evaluating new additions to the city. Short term needs and the desires of big developers cannot and will not dictate the long term prosperity of our city!

Support AND Prioritize Local Business
I believe one of the things that makes this country great is small local business. As a small business owner I know small business is hard. As your next Alderman I will absolutely our incredible small business community here in Oconomowoc and make sure resources stay local. Our future should be driven by the entrepreneurs here in Ocomomowoc!
A Family Friendly Future
Oconomowoc is easily one of the best places to have a family and be a kid. We need to make it our greatest fight to keep it that way. We can do this by prioritizing public safety, focusing on school, and working with the community to keep the amazing events we have year around. I will be a champion for a family friendly future!